Discover America’s 8 “Stickiest” States


The average American moves more than 11 times in their lifetime, making the United States one of the most internally mobile countries in the world. While some people move for their families or their jobs, the No.1 reason for trading spaces is a housing-related concern — like wanting to buy a home or find a better apartment.

So where are people headed when they’re ready for a change? To no one’s surprise, the most popular destinations offer affordable homeownership and a high quality of life. Check out the eight stickiest states, which according to the Pew Center are places with a high share of natives still living there today.

1. Texas

The Lone Star State remains one of the stickiest places in the country. Home values and rental prices are both fairly inexpensive. Once you get used to the relatively low cost of living, it’ll be hard to live anywhere else. Land is also easy to acquire and building a home in Texas isn’t as difficult as it is in other states.

Texas is one of several states without a personal income tax. It’s also home to six of the country’s biggest cities: Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Austin, Fort Worth and El Paso.

2. North Carolina

Affordable rent makes North Carolina a great place to live, but the Tar Heel State really shines for its low taxes. It’s one of eight states with a flat income tax. And while property tax rates vary by county, the average effective rate in North Carolina is just 0.84%. Its corporate tax rate is also relatively low.

North Carolina residents, from Charlotte to Raleigh, also benefit from reduced tuition at the country’s first public university. For the 2017-2018 school year, attending the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill costs in-state residents about $25,876. Out-of-state students pay about $53,100. Home insurance in North Carolina is a good deal as well, coming in at only $20 more than the national average of $1,200.

3. Georgia

Coca-Cola, Delta, Home Depot and fourteen other Fortune 500 companies call Georgia home. The Georgia Chamber of Commerce touts access to burgeoning markets and a pro-business environment as benefits for companies looking to settle in the Peach State. Access to jobs and a high quality of life make staying in their home state a no-brainer for many Georgians.

The state of Georgia is also a great place to own a house. According to our friends at Zillow, the median listing price for a home is $236,900. Property taxes are low, too. The median annual payment is about $600 less than the national average.

4. California

There are many reasons why some Californians refuse to leave the West Coast. Besides its warm weather, the Golden State is the most diverse place in the country. Residents can choose to live in secluded mountains, laid-back beach towns or bustling metropolitan areas.

Though the state has a high cost of living, wages are slowly rising in cities like Los Angeles. Another point of pride is the quality of education available to students. California has some of the best public high schools in the U.S.

5. Wisconsin

The Badger State is another place that rates well for its low cost of living. That explains why most people born in the state still live there. While home values have increased 5.9% since last year, homeownership remains cheaper in Wisconsin than it is in most states.

Wisconsin is one of the best places to live in if you want high quality health care. High employment growth and a low poverty rate also make the state — and its capital, Madison — a nice place for anyone ready to settle down. Homeowners insurance in Wisconsin is also one of the cheapest rates in the nation.

6. Michigan

Cities like Detroit have suffered in recent years, but many native residents have stuck around. Who can blame them? Thanks to its affordable housing, Michigan ranks as one of the country’s cheapest states to live in.

The birthplace of the nation’s auto industry is also an inexpensive place to own a car. That’s another reason why born-and-bred residents should be happy they chose to tough it out.

The state’s economy is strong and continues to grow.

7. Tennessee

The Volunteer State is seriously sticky. More than two thirds of native Tennesseans still live in their home state. The cost of living is about 20% lower than the national average, making it one of the most affordable states.

Tennessee is another place with favorable tax rates. There’s no state income tax and property taxes are relatively low. Tennessee also has a low unemployment rate. Another huge benefit for state residents is the Tennessee Reconnect Act, which guarantees anyone attending a community college a free education if they’ve lived in the state for at least one year. Looking for information on Tennessee home insurance? We've got your back.

8. Minnesota

Why have so many Minnesotans never left the state? Perhaps they’re used to the special brand of friendliness known as “Minnesota nice.” Or maybe they’re happy with the state’s healthy housing market and low unemployment rate. Whatever the story is, it’s clear that the state has a lot to offer its residents.

Homeownership is accessible for many people in Minnesota and wages are fairly high. Large companies across the state will soon have to pay workers $9.65 per hour. Employees in Minneapolis will eventually earn at least $15 an hour. If you'r planning a move to this sticky state, make sure you know what to expect when buying home insurance in Minnesota.


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