All About the Hippo Claims Process

From broken windows to water leaks, we’re there for you in your time of need.

From broken windows to water leaks, we’re there for you in your time of need.

Hippo’s claims concierge team ensures you obtain the most effective resolution as quickly as possible.

A homeowners insurance policy protects your home and possessions in the case of loss due to a covered peril including but not limited to fire, water, burglary and even equipment breakdown and service line damage. Purchasing a policy is an important first step, but what actually happens when disaster strikes and you experience a loss? The claims process varies from one insurance company to the next.

At Hippo, we strive to make filing claims easy and painless, just like how we’ve tailored our policies to include coverage that matches modern homeowner’s needs and developed a streamlined questionnaire to help customers obtain a quote in under 60-seconds and a policy in 4 minutes.

If you were to contact the toll-free Hippo claims line, you’d reach a first reports representative who will help you submit a claim. Unlike most other insurance companies who are wary to set expectations they may not be able to meet, the Hippo Claims Team will explain the claims process so you understand each step in the process. We’ll help with filling out forms, itemizing damaged contents and referring trusted repair technicians so you have confidence that you’ll recognize the full benefit of your policy coverage.

Our Claims Concierge team acts as an additional level of customer service who will expertly guide you through the claims process, communicating with claims adjusters, setting up temporary housing in the event you are displaced from your home or assisting with communication between you and contractors. On the off chance that you experience a problem or breakdown in communication, you will also have the direct phone number of your personal Claims Concierge.

Typically, claims are assigned during the same or following day. If you have been displaced from your home or experienced another especially severe loss, you will hear from a Hippo Claims Concierge within two hours, regardless of your time of emergency. They will review your coverage and answer any questions you have before an investigation into your claim begins.

Similar to our underwriting process, we’re able to improve and hasten investigations by partnering with like-minded companies that also harness the power of technology. Sometimes, an adjuster may be sent to your home to assess and document damage. Other times, we can conduct a drone inspection or utilize an app that allows a remote adjuster to take photos and video of your damage. The industry average for inspection is 10 or more days, but Hippo provides a response to our customers in 5 to 7 days. That’s a turnaround between 30% and 50% faster than our competitors.

Our Claims Concierge team never loses sight of the weight of their role. They’ve taken phone calls from customer in distress, reeling from the loss of irreplaceable family heirlooms and always place empathy before process. We have even helped people find a place to board their horses when their stable was threatened by wildfire.

Our goal is to always provide this level of service and our customers’ safety is always the top priority. But you don’t have to take it from us, here’s what some of our customers had to say about the process:

“You were so prompt and kind, I never expected such a quick resolution but thankful that it was.”

– Dolly C.

“I can’t put into words to describe the renewed sense of security knowing that my home is now covered for its full value…had it not been for Hippo, I may never have thought to read (in detail) what my previous policy actually covered through a different agency….which turned out to be roughly 80% of my homes value with three times the deductible!”

– Aaron W.

“I love HIPPO and are recommending them to all my family and friends. Thanks more than words can say.”

– Steve C.

“How you train people should be documented in a book for other companies to learn from.”

– Peter C.

“From the moment I filed the claim my Claims Examiner did an outstanding job of guiding me through the claims process. I am sure glad I switched my house and condo insurance to Hippo.”

– Gary M.

Perhaps most impressive, we at Hippo also leverage tools like big data and advanced technology to proactively monitor the homes we cover. No other insurance company in the market contacts customers when their home is in danger or to help them file a claim before they reach out. Just as we did with the California wildfires in 2018 and in multiple instances since. We will continue to combine map layering and public information to identify which of our customers are affected by a major event.

To put it simply, we help our customers as much as we can, wherever and whenever we can. If you are already a customer and need to file a claim, give us a call at (800) 886-0318.


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© 2025 Hippo Enterprises Inc.

Hippo Insurance Services (“Hippo”) is a general agent for affiliated and non-affiliated insurance companies. Hippo is licensed as a property casualty insurance agency in all states in which products are offered. Availability and qualification for coverage, terms, rates, and discounts may vary by jurisdiction. Any estimated premium savings are based on the application of discounts which are subject to availability and qualification. Smart home discounts are subject to additional qualification, conditions, and restrictions. We do not in any way imply that the materials on the site or products are available in jurisdictions in which we are not licensed to do business or that we are soliciting business in any such jurisdiction. Coverage under your insurance policy is subject to the terms and conditions of that policy. Coverage and coverage amounts selected are the decision of the buyer.

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