Live from New York, it’s Hippo!

Live from New York, it’s Hippo!

We're excited to launch Hippo Insurance Services and our proactive approach to home insurance to the current and future homeowners of New York. At Hippo, we’ve reinvented home insurance by taking a new preventative approach to protecting your home. We bundle modern coverage with smart technology and access to Hippo Home Care, which helps New Yorkers stay one step ahead of problems.

We know New Yorkers are ambitious people and have ambitious plans for their homes. Unexpected surprises can derail those plans, which is why it’s our mission to provide you with the tools and services to help you detect problems early, so you stay on track and create better outcomes to truly crush homeownership.

Partnering with a leader in smart home tech, SimpliSafe, our smart home sensors help alert you to the issues New Yorkers commonly face, like water leaks, fires, or theft before they become bigger and more expensive problems.

Hippo Home Care helps make home maintenance, low maintenance. We offer access to a home checkup to help identify and troubleshoot any issues. Need advice? Hippo Home Care experts are available to help you take control of your home to do exactly what needs to be done.

We know New Yorkers have big dreams for their homes, and you also want to be prepared for the severe weather that can impact you. With this in mind, we’ve selected a few key topics to help you learn more about how to be prepared and how to stay inspired to create a more joyful experience at home:

We are proud and thankful to find a new home in New York.

Click here to receive a quote in less than 60 seconds or call one of our agents at (866) 937-1194 to learn more.

Hippo Insurance Services writes business through its affiliate Spinnaker Insurance Company which is a national property and casualty insurer rated A- by A.M. Best Company. Spinnaker’s address is 1 Pluckemin Way, Suite 102, Bedminster, NJ


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© 2025 Hippo Enterprises Inc.

Hippo Insurance Services (“Hippo”) is a general agent for affiliated and non-affiliated insurance companies. Hippo is licensed as a property casualty insurance agency in all states in which products are offered. Availability and qualification for coverage, terms, rates, and discounts may vary by jurisdiction. Any estimated premium savings are based on the application of discounts which are subject to availability and qualification. Smart home discounts are subject to additional qualification, conditions, and restrictions. We do not in any way imply that the materials on the site or products are available in jurisdictions in which we are not licensed to do business or that we are soliciting business in any such jurisdiction. Coverage under your insurance policy is subject to the terms and conditions of that policy. Coverage and coverage amounts selected are the decision of the buyer.

Installing and activating the sensor kit will result in your being a customer of a third party that is not affiliated with Hippo. Hippo is not responsible for any acts, errors, or omissions of such third-party or the operation or effectiveness of the sensor kits provided, or any loss or damage of any kind that you may suffer as a result of your installation and use of the sensor kit or engagement with such third party. We encourage you to review the terms of use, privacy notice and any additional notices provided by the third party prior to installing and activating the sensor kit. The terms of your engagement with the third party are solely between you and such third party.