Hippo Revs Up for Mudding in the Granite State

Hippo Revs Up for Mudding in the Granite State

If you missed Good Will Hunting, “wicked” is a good thing and something you’ll likely hear living in New Hampshire. Hippo is extremely excited about opening up shop in the great Granite State. If you’re new to the state, like us, you are probably amazed by the number of outdoor activities: hiking, biking, fishing, horseback riding, surfing, hunting, kayaking, snowmobiling, mudding, or photography. What’s mudding, you might ask? Many of the snow-covered roads during the winter will transition back to dirt in the spring but in between – a ton of mud. This is the time of year some folks like to hop in their four-wheel drive vehicles and get, well – muddy.

Live free or die! As the state motto goes. This is probably the reason there is no income tax or sales tax. A huge bonus. However, this results in higher property taxes. The Granite State's effective property tax rate is 1.99 percent, the 3rd-highest in the country, twice or sometimes quadruple of border state Massachusetts.

Property taxes aside, you get what you pay for in New Hampshire, with many charming towns, beautiful New England architecture, and wide expanses of wilderness. The White Mountain National Forest in the northern part of the state is a winter playground with access to the region’s highest peak, Mt. Washington. From the Appalachian Trail to the historic Portsmouth, New Hampshire is wicked indeed.

As a homeowner, living in such a beautiful place also comes with some heavy weather. Snow and below freezing temperatures are not uncommon throughout the winter. This can result in freezing and burst pipes which can be a major risk to your home.

According to the New Hampshire Climate Report, New Hampshire along with another of other areas in the northeastern part of the United States, rainfall has increased by over 70% since 1958. This means that many areas are prone to flooding and the government states rainfall is the most common natural hazard to the homeowners. While fire and lightning remain the most commonly filed homeowners insurance claim nationally, Granite State homeowners are more likely to file due to storm-related damages resulting from hurricanes, nor’easters, heavy rain, wind, and snowfall. Remember, flooding isn’t necessarily covered by a standard policy so make sure your policy is suited to your specific needs.

As with all homeowners insurance policies, you must consider the various factors that insurance companies will take into account when drawing up your policy: age of your home, cost of reconstruction, proximity to a firehouse, crime rates in your neighborhood, and the potential or likelihood of natural disasters common to your state or region, just to name a few.

Hippo can save you up to 25% on a policy. Given recent estimates, assuming your policy may be similarly expensive as the New Hampshire home insurance average of $1,100, Hippo could save you up to $275. Hippo uses a real-time data algorithm to keep assessments about your property up to date and to keep you fully insured. We tailor a policy to your specific needs and remove coverages that don’t apply to you or your property.

Getting a quote takes just 60 seconds, with coverage available in under four minutes. Yeah, we are confident our policies will suit your needs while saving you money; you are invited to compare quotes with other providers directly from our site and you’ll see how Hippo stacks up to the competition.

You never want to actually use your homeowners insurance. In the unfortunate event that you do, we have dedicated agents to walk you through the claims process with kindness, understanding, and attentive, responsive care. We call them our Hippo Concierge and they will be your dedicated agent. They will deal with you directly and you will not be handed off to different agents.

We are proud and thankful to find a new home in New Hampshire. Hippo can streamline your homeowners insurance policy and our hands-on care will do more than surprise you if you ever require our services. If you’re ready for a new kind of homeowners insurance, get a 60-second quote or give us a call at (877) 838-8866 to see what Hippo can do for you.


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Hippo Insurance Services (“Hippo”) is a general agent for affiliated and non-affiliated insurance companies. Hippo is licensed as a property casualty insurance agency in all states in which products are offered. Availability and qualification for coverage, terms, rates, and discounts may vary by jurisdiction. Any estimated premium savings are based on the application of discounts which are subject to availability and qualification. Smart home discounts are subject to additional qualification, conditions, and restrictions. We do not in any way imply that the materials on the site or products are available in jurisdictions in which we are not licensed to do business or that we are soliciting business in any such jurisdiction. Coverage under your insurance policy is subject to the terms and conditions of that policy. Coverage and coverage amounts selected are the decision of the buyer.

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