Survey: 66% of Homeowners Experience Summer Plumbing Issues

A homeowner wearing overalls performs maintenance on a kitchen sink while sun shines through the window blinds.

While winter can bring much-dreaded frozen pipes, plumbing problems are not just limited to colder weather. Summer plumbing maintenance is equally essential to help prevent costly home damage. 

According to our latest research, the majority (66%) of U.S. homeowners have experienced a summer plumbing issue. Of these respondents, over one-fourth (27%) reported property damage, which can lead to expensive repairs and major disruptions to daily routines. 

Dive into our new survey of over 2,000 U.S. homeowners to discover summer plumbing trends and to find out how you can help safeguard your pipes this season.

Key takeaways

  • 61% of responding U.S. homeowners take at least one proactive step in the summer months to help avoid costly plumbing repairs. This preventative maintenance can help avoid headaches (and even wasted money) down the road.
  • 66% of U.S. homeowners have experienced a summer plumbing issue, highlighting the need for homeowners to go beyond basic self-checks with more in-depth, year-round preventative plumbing maintenance routines. 
  • Over one in 10 responding homeowners reported being unsure what summer plumbing maintenance entails, indicating a need for even more education around the necessity of summer preventative plumbing maintenance. 
  • 60% of responding homeowners paid at least $200 to repair their last plumbing issue. This finding suggests plumbing issues present a financial concern for homeowners and highlights the importance of budgeting for preventative home maintenance while saving for potential emergencies.

66% of U.S. homeowners battle summer plumbing issues

Out of over 2,000 survey respondents, 66% have encountered a plumbing problem during the summer months. These issues can extend beyond a simple drip or leak (which can also turn costly if not addressed) into a cascade of headaches. 

Summer plumbing issues have caused nearly a third (29%) of responding homeowners to experience a spike in their water bill, while a similar amount (31%) faced disruptions to their daily routines. Even more concerning, 27% reported property damage from summer plumbing problems. 
A graphic with dripping faucet icons highlights how 2 out of 3 U.S. homeowners experience summer plumbing issues.
These issues can lead to significant costs. Homeowners who did not perform summer plumbing maintenance most commonly paid between $200 and $499 for repairs.

While this doesn't necessarily mean skipping summer maintenance caused the repairs, it does suggest a potential link. 

In fact, our recent Homeowner Preparedness Report found that 45% of homeowners experienced preventable damage to their homes in 2023. This indicates a strong need for even more preventative maintenance in homes across America. 

Completing preventative maintenance like scheduling a professional inspection or performing seasonal DIY maintenance tasks can help you reduce the risk of a plumbing nightmare no matter the season. 

61% of respondents prioritize preventative summer plumbing maintenance

Our survey revealed that the majority (61%) of responding U.S. homeowners perform preventative summer plumbing maintenance. This proactive approach to homeownership can save you from headaches (and potentially money) down the road.

Of those performing preventative summer maintenance, 31% rely on professional inspections, while another 30% take matters into their own hands by completing  visual inspections for leaks. Regular drain cleaning (28%) is also a popular DIY maintenance task.
A graphic highlights 3 of the most popular summer plumbing maintenance methods among U.S. homeowners.
Though the majority of homeowners are proactive about summer plumbing maintenance, more than one in 10 responding homeowners admitted that they’re unsure of what exactly this maintenance entails. This indicates a knowledge gap among many homeowners that could leave them vulnerable to plumbing issues during the summer months. 

Fortunately, our 2024 Heat Wave Survey found that the majority (65%) of U.S. homeowners are interested in learning more about preventative maintenance for heat-related home damage, which could help prevent summer plumbing problems.

If you’re unsure what goes into proper summer plumbing maintenance, consider proactive plumbing care tips like regularly inspecting your sump pumps, septic systems, or water heater.  

Taking these steps in the summer can help you maintain a healthy preventative maintenance schedule, potentially helping you save on your electric bill and reducing the likelihood of future repair costs. 

Majority (60%) of homeowners pay over $200 on plumbing issues

Plumbing problems can be a significant financial burden for many U.S. homeowners, with 60% paying over $200 on plumbing repairs the last time they experienced an issue. Dig a little deeper and you’ll find 37% of responding homeowners paid over $500 for their last plumbing emergency. 
A bar chart shows the varying cost of plumbing issues for responding U.S. homeowners.
Even more alarming is the cost of property damage; 27% of homeowners faced property damage caused by a summer plumbing issue. Of the homeowners who reported spending over $3,000 on plumbing repairs, 55% also reported experiencing property damage due to summer plumbing issues. For those who spent between $2,000 and $2,999, 47% reported property damage, and 40% of those who spent between $1,000 and $1,999 had similar issues.

This trend underscores the severity of summer plumbing emergencies and their potential to cause significant damage to a home. It also highlights the critical importance of regular plumbing maintenance and timely repairs to help prevent severe and costly damages. 
A graphic shows how plumbing issues can lead to expensive property damage and repairs.
Hippo helps you get proactive about preventing summer plumbing emergencies. Download the free Hippo Home app for personalized maintenance checklists and 24/7 expert advice. Available in the App Store and Google Play Store


This survey was conducted by SurveyMonkey Audience for Hippo Insurance Services on June 19, 2024. The results are based on 2,147 completed surveys. In order to qualify, respondents were screened to be U.S. homeowners over 18 years of age. Data is unweighted, and the margin of error is approximately +/-3% for the overall sample with a 95% confidence level.


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