Whether you went into the moisture farming industry because it is your family business, like the Lars clan, or you decided the environment you live in would be the perfect place for a booming moisture farm, these tips are for you.
Location, location, location
Don’t make the mistake of starting or relocating your moisture farm where water is abundant in the air, like on the surface of Dagobah. Amateur moisture farmers have tried it. Because there is no demand for water locally and distribution to the drier planets in the galaxy’s Outer Rim Territories is so expensive and dangerous, most fold. The most successful moisture farms are on Tatooine, Ord Mantell and Molaver.
It’s in the trugats and the peggats
If you don’t know how to balance your checkbook, you are going to learn today. Between the dues you have to pay to the Tatooine Moisture Collective for “protection” and the regular expenses that come with living on a working moisture farm, find a way that works for your family to budget accordingly. It is important to note you may have to account for the two different currencies from the Galactic Credit and the wupiupi, favored by the Hutts. It pays to trade in both currencies, so make sure to budget calculating the proper exchange rates.
Vaporator Care
As a moisture farmer, you know that you are only as good as your equipment. That doesn’t mean that you have to get the newest vaporators on the market, but if you decide to go for used equipment, the most experienced Tatooine family moisture farmers advise that you learn to clean and fix them from the previous owner. If the previous owner isn’t willing to share their knowledge, you may be able to pick up some tips at your local cantina. Just remember to keep an eye on your creds and a hand on your blaster.
The Droids You’re Looking For
Every moisture farm can use an extra hand, or in this case, an extra Scomp Link, which is why we recommend investing in an R-series astromech droid. While it may be tempting to spring for a newer model like the R5, make sure you do your research. With reports of defective motivators and other widespread malfunctions, you may be better off sticking with a tried and true R2 unit.
Additionally, you may think that a protocol droid is excessive for your humble moisture farm, but having a droid that can communicate with your equipment can help you quickly identify issues before they turn into Bantha sized problems. The 3PO-series comes equipped with a TranLang III communication module, making them fluent in over 6 million forms of communication, including the ability to program anything from binary loadlifters to moisture vaporators. These droids may be hard to find in the Outer Rim, so check back with your local Jawa caravan frequently.
Know Your Weather Report
To plan accordingly, the most successful moisture farmers pay very close attention to the weather report, even on a planet like Tatooine, where at first glance, it appears that the climate is unchanging. It’s all in the details. An average yield of a successful moisture farm is two liters of condensed water a day.
Marry Well
You need a good spouse to do it with, or you are just not going to make it. Not only do many hands make easier work, but if you choose a strong spouse, they can also supply you with the children to keep the farm going generation after generation.
Be ready for the worst
Prices and climates can change, your equipment can break down or be ruined in an attack from Tuscan Raiders or Imperial Stormtroopers, or your best employee could be lured away by a Jedi, never to be seen again. Budget accordingly and take great measures to ensure your property is protected.