Signs It’s Time to Fix Your Roof 

Signs It’s Time to Fix Your Roof 

You might only think about your roof when it’s damaged or when severe weather is moving into your area, but paying attention to your roof’s wear and tear is critical to preserving the structure of your home.

Fix your roof infographic

Roof inspection

Now that you know what to look for, it’s time to conduct your inspection. Experts recommend inspecting your roof on a clear, sunny day—not only for safety reasons, but also to better see any potential damage.

Here are a few other signs of potential or existing damage to keep an eye out for during your roof inspection:

  • Damaged flashers: Roof flashing closes the joints between the roof and the roof features, such as chimneys and roof valleys. If these are damaged—or worse, missing—water can potentially leak into your home’s interior structure, contributing to mold or rot throughout the roof and down into the walls.
  • Piles of leaves, algae or moss: These piles trap moisture, which then seeps into the sheathing below your shingles, and can impact the structural elements of the roof itself.
  • Attic damage: Consider this an internal roof inspection. If your home has an attic, look for any signs of sunlight coming through, water damage, moisture, mold and rot.

Not comfortable inspecting your roof yourself? You can always enlist a professional. Roof inspections range from free to a few hundred dollars.

Account for age

Your roof is in a state of constant use, which is why professionals agree that after 20 years it’s probably time to consider roof replacement. Even if your roof appears to be in good shape from the naked eye, it may have deeper signs of structural damage or weakening. Older roofs were often created with materials that experts today may no longer consider useful or durable. Consider hiring a professional to weigh in on the possibility of replacing your roof completely.

Remember your roof

Your roof is your home’s first line of defense against the elements, so it’s important to protect it. Understanding what types of roof damage exist and knowing your roof’s age and condition from season to season is critical. Take action immediately if you notice any signs of damage.

Having a home insurance company that understands your home, its coverage and the importance of proactivity is key. At Hippo, we’re more than just a home insurance company. We’re here to make sure you love being a homeowner and help mitigate the downsides. That’s why we send free smart home kits to our customers and provide Hippo Home Care (HHC) as a complimentary service. If you have roof questions that you want a professional answer to, you can always contact HHC and get some peace of mind.

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