7 Smart Home Devices for Better Security

A smart camera looking over a baby in a crib

A home will always be a significant life decision that a responsible homeowner will want to adequately protect by investing in home security. Modern homeowners are turning to innovative smart home technology to get the most out of their investment.

Smart Speakers

Many people find that they are entering the world of home security by way of the smart speaker. Hippo noticed this and actually created a “skill” for Amazon’s Echo smart speaker called Away Mode. This mode is meant to simulate someone is home by playing long audio clips that sound real. All you have to do is ask Alexa to play Away Mode.

If you are looking for a bit more advanced use for your smart speaker, you can look into pairing your smart speaker with the other smart home devices you have to be your smart home security hub.

Video Doorbell

Smart doorbells were the most popular smart device purchased by millennials during the pandemic according to our survey respondents in our State of Homeownership Survey. Because these smart doorbells are made with a speaker and a mic, they enable the homeowner to stay safely inside their homes while observing and communicating with anyone who may be at the door. And it is not just when you are safe inside. Another reason these are so popular is that homeowners can see what is going on at their front door while they are at work, school, vacation--you name it. Most can connect with other smart home devices as well for enhanced security and convenience.

Smart Locks

Not only do smart locks allow for additional security to doors that may have a physical key, but they also have a few more perks to them. You can let in your friends, family or neighbors if you need to, without the inconvenience of keeping track of keys and instead of giving out access codes, you can change at any time that also will notify you when the access codes are used. Smart locks are also an excellent option for kids, with no keys to lose.

Security Cameras

Installing security cameras at your home used to be an expensive endeavor, but no more. With the accessibility and affordability of technology, homeowners can now take advantage of all the perks of smart home security cameras. Homeowners can check in on family and pets, deterring criminals, high definition images that can aid law enforcement, and of course, helping to lower that homeowners insurance premium.

All-in-one connected home security system

Modern technology has made it easier than ever to set up an all-in-one smart security system that can remotely control your door locks, lights, thermostats, doorbell, and smart cameras. There are ways to DIY these devices together, buy them as an entire package, and have a whole package professionally installed and monitored.

In conclusion, there are so many advancements in technology beyond what used to be available in older burglar alarms. Now, homeowners can curate and customize a smart home security system that fits their needs best. Even homes in the safest neighborhoods can benefit from some proactive security measures and a discount on their home insurance premium.


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