Top Spring Cleaning Mistake Homeowners Will Make This Year – Skipping Critical Home Maintenance

homeowner washing dishes in the kitchen

A ritual that’s continued for generations, 70% of U.S. homeowners say they grew up in a home that participated in spring cleaning and 58% say they look forward to the activity each year. But while half (51%) of homeowners plan to participate in spring cleaning this year, and a third (33%) have already begun, many have admitted to not taking on maintenance during spring cleaning - even as seasonal storms become more frequent and intense.

Spring cleaning used to be about scrubbing soot-filled fireplaces and walls where dust and debris collected around the home during the winter. Today many homes feature modern heating and cooling ventilation systems that don’t leave the same kind of mess during the winter that generations before us dealt with. However, the critical systems that help our homes function require year-round care.

Spring Maintenance Matters

In a recent Hippo report, 78% of respondents (U.S. homeowners) have had regrets about their home purchase primarily due to the stress of unexpected repair costs. While Spring is still a great time to refresh the home, doing more than just a basic deep clean can help prevent the headache of home repairs.

Unfortunately, among U.S. homeowners who plan to do spring cleaning this year, less than half are planning on doing appliance (43%), structural (38%), and systems (26%) preventative maintenance. One-third admit that the last time they did spring cleaning, they should have completed, but neglected to inspect their roof (33%); patch cracks in walls and windows (31%); clean or clear gutters, drains, or downspouts (31%); and/or ensure proper function of their HVAC unit (30%).

The Cost of Waiting Until Things Break

Those homeowners who are skipping spring cleaning this year said that it’s because they feel overwhelmed by the projects that need to get done (43%), don′t think it′s necessary (43%), or feel it takes too much time (33%). However, regular maintenance of a home’s systems and appliances is the most important way homeowners can proactively protect their property and avoid unexpected costs.

Nearly two thirds (59%) of homeowners had something unexpected go wrong in their home in the past year and spent an average of $6,000 on home repairs and maintenance, according to a recent Hippo survey.

Maintenance That Protects the Joy of Homeownership

Our homes are an important part of our financial portfolio. However, few homeowners are completing home maintenance tasks most commonly known to prevent problems.

To help homeowners take on home maintenance this spring cleaning season, Hippo Home, Hippo’s mobile experience designed to combat the stresses of home maintenance, is offering its host of features at no cost to homeowners, whether they’re current Hippo customers or not.

Hippo Home has a variety of components that give homeowners unparalleled insights into their home’s health and expert advice to keep small things from becoming big problems:

  • Home Health Score: Take control of your home's health with valuable insights into potential areas of risk and take proactive steps with a customized and interactive home health profile.

  • Maintenance Checklists: Never miss a critical task again with a personalized maintenance checklist. Get step-by-step guides based on the unique features of your property, so you know exactly what needs to be done and when.

  • Home Care Experts: Take the stress out of complex maintenance problems and go from problem to problem solved with on-demand access to trusted maintenance experts.

A little T-L-C goes a long way for the home. All homeowners can download the Hippo Housepower guide to learn how to quickly identify specific issues and take action before small issues turn into bigger problems. To set up an appointment with a home expert, the Hippo Home app is available for free download on the Apple app store and Google Play.


This survey was conducted by Omnibus on behalf of Hippo. Fielded between March 10-11, 2023, the results are based on 717 respondents (U.S. homeowners). Results were weighted to match the Census by age, gender, region, and other demographics.


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