

Protecting your home shouldn’t be complicated. Let our experts break down what you need to know about homeowners insurance. We’re here to guide you through — every step of the way.
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Insurance Options

Landlord Insurance in Massachusetts: What It Covers cover

Landlord Insurance in Massachusetts: What It Covers

Comprehensive Guide to Landlord Insurance in Georgia cover

Comprehensive Guide to Landlord Insurance in Georgia

Landlord Insurance in Michigan: A Must for Property Owners cover

Landlord Insurance in Michigan: A Must for Property Owners

Understanding Landlord Insurance in New York: A Guide cover

Understanding Landlord Insurance in New York: A Guide

Why You Need Landlord Insurance in Florida: Essential Tips cover

Why You Need Landlord Insurance in Florida: Essential Tips

Understanding Landlord Insurance in Texas: Top Benefits cover

Understanding Landlord Insurance in Texas: Top Benefits

Navigating Landlord Insurance in California: What's Covered? cover

Navigating Landlord Insurance in California: What's Covered?

How Much Is Title Insurance in Florida? [Breaking Down Costs] cover

How Much Is Title Insurance in Florida? [Breaking Down Costs]

Managing Your Condo Insurance Cost [Know the Numbers] cover

Managing Your Condo Insurance Cost [Know the Numbers]

How Much Does Landlord Insurance Cost? Can You Lower it? cover

How Much Does Landlord Insurance Cost? Can You Lower it?

How Much Landlord Insurance Do I Need? cover

How Much Landlord Insurance Do I Need?

a sinkhole in a middle of a road

Your Guide to Sinkhole Insurance [Ground Support]

Understanding Tornado Insurance Basics [After the Twister] cover

Understanding Tornado Insurance Basics [After the Twister]

Getting Home Insurance Before Closing [Pre-Close Prep] cover

Getting Home Insurance Before Closing [Pre-Close Prep]

Essential Home Insurance Coverages [Protect Your Castle] cover

Essential Home Insurance Coverages [Protect Your Castle]

The Value of Guaranteed Replacement Cost

The Value of Guaranteed Replacement Cost [Insurance Perks]

Open peril policy explained

Open peril policy explained

Understanding named peril coverage

Understanding named peril coverage

Landlord insurance policy: The complete guide

Landlord insurance policy: The complete guide

8 Types of Homeowners Insurance

8 types of homeowners insurance you need to know

HO-6 Homeowners Insurance

What is an HO-6 homeowners insurance policy?

HO-3 vs HO-6 Homeowners Insurance Policy

HO-3 vs HO-6 Homeowners Insurance Policy

HO-3 vs HO-5 Homeowners Insurance Policy

HO-3 vs HO-5 Homeowners Insurance Policy

What is an HO-7 Home Insurance Policy?

What is an HO-7 Home Insurance Policy?

What Is a DP1 Home Insurance Policy?

What Is a DP1 Home Insurance Policy?

What Is an HO2 Home Insurance Policy?

What Is an HO-2 Home Insurance Policy?

DP-3 Home Insurance Policy

What is a DP-3 Home Insurance Policy?

What is a DP-2 Home Insurance Policy?

What is a DP-2 Home Insurance Policy?

People stand looking at an older home, their backs to the camera.

What Is an HO-8 Home Insurance Policy?

Two people talk in front of a pool.

What Is an HO-5 Home Insurance Policy?

woman taking notes while watching a laptop

What Is an HO-4 Insurance Policy?

What is an HO-1 Home Insurance Policy?

What is an HO-1 Home Insurance Policy?

A worker with a hard hat working on something on the ceiling in the kitchen with a couple looking on

How To File A Home Insurance Claim in Eight Steps

Image of a tornado in field

What Is an Act of God Insurance Clause?

Umbrella Insurance Uncovered

Umbrella Insurance Uncovered

A family arrives at their vacation home

Choosing Second Home Insurance [Safeguard Your Getaway]

A couple sitting on a couch in their home looking at papers

HO-3 Insurance Policy: The Complete Guide

What is High-Value Home Insurance?

What is High-Value Home Insurance?

A man and a woman holding a blueprint inside a home under construction

New Construction Home Insurance: Why Do You Need It?

A shed sits in a lush, green yard.

Understanding Other Structures Coverage

Homeowners Insurance Binder

Understanding What a Homeowners Insurance Binder Is [Quick Guide]

An light colored office with two desks with computers on them

Personal Property Insurance Guide: Protect Your Belongings

A desk with a laptop, a monitor, speakers and other music equipment

Protect Your Stuff With Home Contents Insurance

A woman and a man sit across a desk from another woman The two women are shaking hands

Is Enhanced Title Insurance Right For Me?

Understanding dwelling coverage

Understanding dwelling coverage

Image of a damaged wall with water a sponge and a bucket on the ground

Property and Casualty Insurance: What Does It Cover

A young man and woman looking at construction plans in a room surrounded by painting materials

Guide to Replacement Cost Coverage [Insurance Basics]

House in the aftermath of an earthquake

Guide to Earthquake Insurance [Quake-Proof Your Home]

A man and a women sitting on a couch in an office, looking at paperwork with another woman

The Ultimate Home Insurance Buyers Guide

Image of a hotel and palm trees with wind and rain

Why Windstorm Insurance Matters

Image of the corner of a roof of a house during a rainstorm with water splashing out of a gutter

Why Catastrophe Insurance Matters [Secure Your Sanctuary]

Image of water coming up a driveway in from of a light tan house

Securing Flood Insurance for Your Home [Rising Waters]

Jewelry insurance essentials

Jewelry insurance essentials

A young woman sitting on a couch looking at her laptop and a piece of paper

What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover?

man drilling plywood over window

Why You Need Hurricane Insurance [After the Storm]

pot on a stove

Fire Insurance: Learn How To Protect Your Home

man and woman sitting on a couch looking at a laptop and papers

How to Get Homeowners Insurance Easily [Start Here]

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What Insurance Do I Need If I Rent Out My House? Key Policies cover

What Insurance Do I Need If I Rent Out My House? Key Policies

Condo Insurance vs Homeowners Insurance

Condo Insurance vs Homeowners Insurance [Deciding Factors]

Do I Need Landlord Insurance? [Rental Property Safety] cover

Do I Need Landlord Insurance? [Rental Property Safety]

Does Condo Insurance Cover Water Damage? [What's Included] cover

Does Condo Insurance Cover Water Damage? [What's Included]

How Much Is Flood Insurance in Texas? [Plan Accordingly] cover

How Much Is Flood Insurance in Texas? [Plan Accordingly]

Landlord Insurance vs Homeowners Insurance [Key Differences] cover

Landlord Insurance vs Homeowners Insurance [Key Differences]

Does Landlord Insurance Cover Tenant Damage?  Answered! cover

Does Landlord Insurance Cover Tenant Damage? Answered!

What is an Insurance Quote and Why It Matters [Get Clued In]

What is an Insurance Quote and Why It Matters [Get Clued In]

Actual Cash Value vs Replacement Cost

Actual Cash Value vs Replacement Cost [Know Your Coverage]

What is Functional Replacement Cost? [Insure Smart] cover

What is Functional Replacement Cost? [Insure Smart]

What are insurance limits?

What are insurance limits? [An Informational Deep Dive]

Essential Insights What is a Peril [ A Homeowner's Guide]

What is a peril? [A homeowner’s guide]

What is an Insurance Premium?

What is an Insurance Premium? [Explained by Hippo]

What is an insurance claims adjuster?

What is an insurance claims adjuster?

Is Hazard Insurance the Same as Homeowners Insurance?

Is Hazard Insurance the Same as Homeowners Insurance?

How are Landlord and Homeowners Insurance Different?

How are Landlord and Homeowners Insurance Different?

aluminum wiring

Does Home Insurance Cover Aluminum Wiring?

man working on roof

Does Home Insurance Cover Roof Leaks?

Two people on a couch, one leaning forward and using a calculator and the other leaning back and using a laptop

Is Homeowners Insurance Tax Deductible?

Image of an older man and woman carrying a ladder into a house

The Benefits of Extended Replacement Cost

A man and a woman looking at receipts on a couch

Is My Home Underinsured? Here’s How To Tell

Image of a woman's torso and hands writing on a notebook and using a calculator

Why Did My Homeowners Insurance Go Up?

An aerial view of a suburban street.

When Do You Start Paying Property Taxes On a New Home?

Two women sit at a desk.

How Long Does a Mortgage Pre-Approval Last?

A couple laughing a reaching for a persons hand that is handing them keys

Closing on a House Checklist: Are You Missing Any of These 7 Steps?

A couple looking at paint samples against a blank wall

Parts of a House: Get To Know Every Part of Your Home

A mom and child using a laptop at the kitchen table

Key Homeowners Insurance Statistics for 2022

A young couple sits on the floor looking at a tablet surrounded by moving boxes

Moving Out Checklist For Apartments and Homes

Image of hands passing money from one to another with a wooden cut out of a home in front of them

Who Pays Closing Costs — Buyer or Seller?

Image of a home during repairs with a fireplace and a ladder

What is Actual Cash Value?

Two people squatting by a house pointing at a crack in the foundation

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Foundation?

A couple smiling and laughing talking to a woman in a suit

What Is an Insurance Score? [Learn & Improve Yours Easily]

A man and woman looking at a piece of paper with another woman showing them something

How to Change Homeowners Insurance with Escrow [Easy Update]

A woman holding a clipboard looking at the ground in front of a home

What to Expect from a Home Insurance Inspection [Prepare Now]

A roof with damage to the shingles

Will My Homeowners Insurance Go Up If I File A Claim?

A person's hands using a tool to check an air conditioning unit outdoors

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover HVAC Systems?

A woman's hand using keys to unlock her front door

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Theft?

Exclusions in insurance decoded

Exclusions in insurance decoded

A woman sitting against a window surrounded by plants is holding a mug and working on a laptop

How to Change Homeowners Insurance [Switch Smart]

two girls laying on a rug looking at devices

What Is an Additional Insured Endorsement?

Image of a street with several houses next to each other and a blue sky behind them

HOA Insurance: You and Your Homeowners Association

A storm coming in behind a yellow home

Hazard Insurance For Homeowners: A Breakdown

man leaning against couch on a laptop, his sons around him

How Much Homeowners Insurance Do I Need? [Get Covered]

What Is a Homeowners Insurance Deductible?

What is a homeowners insurance deductible?

Homeowners Insurance Declaration Page

What Is a Homeowners Insurance Declaration Page?

man wrapping his hand in gauze

Personal liability insurance

couple holding a baby sitting on the porch

How Much Is Homeowners Insurance? [In 2024]

man kneeling at a sink, using a tool on the pipes

Seasonal Home Maintenance Checklist for Total Wellness

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Hippo Insurance Services (“Hippo”) is a general agent for affiliated and non-affiliated insurance companies. Hippo is licensed as a property casualty insurance agency in all states in which products are offered. Availability and qualification for coverage, terms, rates, and discounts may vary by jurisdiction. Any estimated premium savings are based on the application of discounts which are subject to availability and qualification. Smart home discounts are subject to additional qualification, conditions, and restrictions. We do not in any way imply that the materials on the site or products are available in jurisdictions in which we are not licensed to do business or that we are soliciting business in any such jurisdiction. Coverage under your insurance policy is subject to the terms and conditions of that policy. Coverage and coverage amounts selected are the decision of the buyer.

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